SAviour's Day II
In fashion again
I read in the paper that you were in fashion again
Among famous men you were high on the list
With crosses and necklaces all, sorts of bling
You'd think that you’re name would never be missed!
It came as a shock I turned over the page
Your main event had gathered incredible steam
But there on the billboard...
Was mention of everything, except for your name!
Christmas is nothing without it’s King, no peace without Jesus
Saviour, Lord, Champion of the poor, let’s raise up our glasses to Him
O Holy night was being sung by a choir
A song that was written for our dear Saviour’s birth
But there wasn’t a mention...
They diluted your name to merriment and mirth!
For a fashionable man, it seems there’s a lot of neglect
Has the enemy of our souls had too much effect
It galls me to see this...
When it was for love and peace you were born!
© 2008 Stephen Atkins (IHN)